The OutThere Lab
Over hundreds of thousands of years humans have evolved primarily as an outdoor species.
Industrialization and technology compounded in the last two hundred years has brought us inside where we now spend 90% of our time.
This Resource Center is an institution that provides the tools and knowledge necessary to blur the lines between the individual and the elements, ultimately empowering humans to get back #outthere.
With a legacy of beautifully designed pop-up retail spaces in their wake, The Arrivals came to Early Spring to step their game up and create a space that not only looked great, but integrated an overarching narrative focused on outerwear for out there.
Industrialization and technology compounded in the last two hundred years has brought us inside where we now spend 90% of our time.
To cement the brand’s position at the intersection of form and function, we created a space that brought notions of the ‘out there’ inside, pairing product against the backdrop of their use cases.
The space is a re-imagination of a community resource center in the near future; stark and clinical, it is the last stop for explorers to stock up on equipment and gain valuable insight from seasoned guides to face the elements of the omitted Out There.
Products are showcased through the space, while the latest innovations are highlighted with analogous vignettes that draw a clear visual delineation to their use cases.
Harnessing modularity, the space can be transformed to serve as a community meeting center, hosting forums and discussions.